Die Betriebsärztin oder der Betriebsarzt informiert und berät die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter bei den Untersuchungen. Die Entscheidung über die Teilnahme an den betriebsärztlichen Untersuchungen liegt bei den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern. Weder die Untersuchungen noch die Vorsorgeuntersuchungen sind verpflichtend, sondern immer freiwillig.

Ziele der betriebsärztlichen Untersuchungen und der Vorsorge sind

Verhütung arbeitsbedingter Erkrankungen

die Förderung der Arbeitsfähigkeit

Unterstützung des betrieblichen Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutzes

Further development of the occupational health management

Die Betriebsärztin oder der Betriebsarzt berät die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter individuell und informiert sie über Schutzmaßnahmen. So können sich die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter vorbeugend besser schützen, insbesondere bei Tätigkeiten mit erhöhter Verletzungs- oder Infektionsgefahr.

Präventive Maßnahmen im Rahmen eines strukturierten und nachhaltigen Arbeitsschutzes sind insgesamt sinnvoll, da sie zu verbesserten Betriebsabläufen und Kosteneinsparungen führen. Bessere Arbeitsbedingungen und die Anerkennung der Leistungen der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter erhöhen die Motivation und Zufriedenheit aller.

Die Ergebnisse der arbeitsmedizinischen Untersuchungen sowie der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen und freiwilligen Vorsorge unterliegen selbstverständlich der ärztlichen Schweigepflicht.

Radiation protection study of occupational medicine

Sicherer Umgang mit radioaktiven Stoffen und ionisierenden Strahlen

Unsere arbeitsmedizinischen Strahlenschutzuntersuchungen gewährleisten den sicheren Umgang mit radioaktiven Stoffen und ionisierender Strahlung gemäß den gesetzlichen Vorgaben. Beruflich strahlenexponierte Personen werden von ermächtigten Ärzten untersucht, um ihre gesundheitliche Eignung für die berufliche Tätigkeit festzustellen und die erforderliche Rechtssicherheit zu gewährleisten.

Unsere Sachverständigen verfügen über die erforderliche Fachkunde und sind von den zuständigen Behörden ermächtigt. Wir beraten Ihre Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter umfassend über die gesundheitlichen Risiken ihrer Tätigkeit.

Profitieren Sie von unserer langjährigen arbeitsmedizinischen Erfahrung und unserem umfassenden Know-how. An bundesweit 66 Standorten bieten wir Ihnen eine effiziente Abwicklung und kurzfristige Terminvergabe, um Zeit und Kosten zu sparen.

Der Ablauf einer Strahlenschutzuntersuchung:

Ermittlung der zu untersuchenden Mitarbeiter durch Ihren Strahlenschutzbeauftragten.

Je nach Höhe der Strahlenexposition werden die strahlenexponierten Personen in die Kategorien A oder B eingeteilt.

Die Kategorie A erfordert eine jährliche ärztliche Untersuchung, die Kategorie B eine ärztliche Überwachung auf Anordnung der Behörde.

Die ärztliche Überwachung umfasst die Untersuchung, Beurteilung und ggf. besondere arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorge bei Überschreitung der Dosiswerte.

Die Untersuchung kann in einem unserer Zentren oder vor Ort in Ihrem Betrieb durchgeführt werden.

Unsere Experten beraten Sie kompetent und stellen ein ärztliches Zeugnis aus oder dokumentieren die Ergebnisse im Strahlenpass.

Video Consultation – Medical Care

Telemedizinische Beratung und Gesundheitsvorsorge im digitalen Sprechzimmer - für Gesundheit und Sicherheit im Unternehmen ohne Mehrkosten

Der Workplace 4.0 mit mobilen und digitalen Arbeitsplätzen bietet viele Vorteile, aber auch neue Herausforderungen für Unternehmen und Beschäftigte. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, Ihrer Fürsorgepflicht und den arbeitsmedizinischen Anforderungen (ASiG, ArbMedVV) gerecht zu werden.

Unsere erfahrenen Arbeitsmediziner stehen Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern digital zur Verfügung, um in Online-Videosprechstunden kompetente arbeitsmedizinische Beratung anzubieten. Dies umfasst ausgewählte Vorsorgeuntersuchungen, Wunschvorsorge und das Betriebliche Eingliederungsmanagement (BEM).

Die Videosprechstunde wird zu unseren regulären Tarifen abgerechnet, ohne dass für Sie zusätzliche Kosten entstehen.

Check-up examination

Optimieren Sie Ihr betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement mit unseren Check-up-Untersuchungen für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter!

Unsere maßgeschneiderten Check-up-Untersuchungen fördern die Gesundheit Ihrer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und steigern die Produktivität und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Ihres Unternehmens. Vom Gesundheitscheck bis zur Führungskräfteuntersuchung bieten wir Ihnen passgenaue Lösungen und wertvolle Tipps für ein gesünderes Leben.

Our experienced network of experts ensures a comprehensive one-stop Service and additional security through science-based services.

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere betrieblichen Check-up-Untersuchungen und kontaktieren Sie unsere Expertinnen und Experten!

Steigern Sie mit unseren Check-up-Untersuchungen die Gesundheit und Produktivität Ihrer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter!

Unsere Untersuchungen motivieren und sensibilisieren Ihre Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter für ein gesundheitsbewusstes Verhalten. Verbessern Sie das Image Ihres Unternehmens und stärken Sie die Mitarbeiterbindung. Wir berücksichtigen alle relevanten Lebensbereiche und bieten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen.


Anamnese: Erfassung von Lebensstil, Ernährung, Bewegung, psychischen Faktoren und Vorerkrankungen.

Physical Examination: Cardiovascular Check-Up.

Blutuntersuchung: Bestimmung der Stoffwechselparameter.

Hearing and Vision screening: a Review of the senses.

Befundanalyse: Auswertung und Risikoberechnung.

Consultation: health care tips and support options.

Unser kompetentes Team aus Expertinnen und Experten verschiedener Fachrichtungen steht Ihnen mit langjähriger Erfahrung zur Seite.

Nutzen Sie unsere Check-up-Untersuchungen als wichtigen Baustein für die Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt!

Health report

Systematic review of health in your business

Unser Gesundheitsreport bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Analyse des Gesundheitszustandes Ihrer Belegschaft. Auf Basis von Gefährdungsbeurteilungen und arbeitsmedizinischen Vorsorgeuntersuchungen identifizieren wir Belastungsschwerpunkte und Gesundheitsgefährdungen. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir maßgeschneiderte Ziele und Maßnahmen für Ihr Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement.

Vereinbaren Sie jetzt einen Termin mit unseren Expertinnen und Experten und sichern Sie die Gesundheit in Ihrem Unternehmen!


Medical Links


GESTIS-information system on hazardous substances of the German social accident insurance

Journals: occupational medicine, environmental medicine, and social medicine

Occupational medicine, social medicine, environmental medicine, ASU will appear in the monthly interval

Occupational and Environmental Medicine journal OEM appears in the monthly interval

Environmental medicine web site of the journal environmental medicine


German society for occupational and environmental medicine e. V. (DGAUM)

Association of German industrial physicians professional Association of German occupational physicians

Federal Institute for occupational safety and health

The Robert Koch Institute In Berlin (Recommendations)

The state Agency for environmental protection and occupational safety

Cancer Registry Of Saarland

International Agency for Research on Cancer (CIRC)

Institute of occupational medicine, safety engineering and ergonomics, e. V. (ASER)

Accident insurance

German Statutory Accident Insurance

Accident Fund Saarland

Ministries and laws

The Federal Ministry of labour and social Affairs

Workplace safety law

Occupational safety and health act

to the underlying risk factorExamination
AdviceNachuntersuchs-interval (NU)
3. NU according to AMR 1.2 5/16
G 1.1Silikogener Dustmedical. Interview and examinationLung Function, X-Ray Of The Lungsto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 1.2Asbestos Fiber Dustmedical. Interview and examinationLung Function, X-Ray Of The Lungsto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 1.3artificial mineral dust of the cat 1 or 2medical. Interview and examinationLung Function, X-Ray Of The Lungsto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 1.4General dustmedical. Interview and examinationLung Function, X-Ray Of The Lungsto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 2Lead and its compoundsmedical. Interview and examinationBlood Collection, Biomonitoringto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 3Exceptionmedical. Interview and examinationBlood collectionto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 4Hazardous substances, the skin cancer or Cancer-prone skin changesmedical. Interview and examinationUrine examination and, if necessary, Biomonitoringto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 5Glycol dinitrate, or glycerol nitratemedical. Interview and examinationBlood collection, Schellong-Test, stress ECG, long-term blood pressure measurementto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 6Carbon disulfidemedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, bio-monitoring, exercise ECGto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G-7Carbon monoxidemedical. Interview and examinationBlood samples, lung function, exercise ECGto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 8Benzenemedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, Biomonitoringto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 9Mercury or its compoundsmedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, bio-monitoring, urine analysisto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 10Methanolmedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, Biomonitoring, eye testto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 11Hydrogen sulfidemedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling, ECGto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 12Phosphorus (white)medical. Interview and examinationBlood collectionto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 13Tetrachloromethane (Carbon Tetrachloride)medical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, bio-monitoring, ECGto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 14Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)medical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, bio-monitoring, ECGto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 15Chromium VI Compoundsmedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, Biomonitoring, lung function, x-ray of the lungs and sinusesto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 16Arsenic or its Compoundsmedical. Interview and examinationBlood collectionto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 17Tetrachloroethylenemedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, bio-monitoring, ECGto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 181,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane or perchloric Ethanmedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, bio-monitoring, ECGto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 19Dimethylformamidemedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, Biomonitoring,to the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 20Noisemedical. Interview and examinationListening testto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 21Coldmedical. Interview and examinationUrine analysisto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 22Acid damage to the teethmedical. Interview and examination to the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 23obstructive diseases of the respiratory systemmedical. Interview and examinationLung function and, if necessary, x-ray of the lungsto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 24Diseases of the skin (with the exception of skin cancer)medical. Interview and examination to the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 25Driving, control and monitoring activitiesmedical. Interview and examinationif necessary, blood sampling, hearing test, eye test, if necessary perimetryto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 26Respiratory protection devicesmedical. Interview and examinationBlood samples, lung function and, if necessary, x-ray of the lungs and, if necessary, ECG or EKG, hearing test, eye testto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 27Isocyanatesmedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, Biomonitoring, lung function, x-ray of the lungsto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 28Mono Chloro Methane (Chlormehan, Methylene Chloride)medical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, bio-monitoring, ECGto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 29Xylene / Toluenemedical. Interview and examinationBlood Collection, Biomonitoringto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 30Heatmedical. Interview and examinationExercise ECG and, if necessary, x-ray of the lungsto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 31Overpressuremedical. Interview and examinationLung function and, if necessary, x-ray of the lungs, a cardiac stress test, hearing test, eye testto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 32Cadmium and its Compoundsmedical. Interview and examinationBlood samples, lung function and, if necessary, x-ray of the lungsto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 33aromatic Nitro and amino compoundsmedical. Interview and examinationBlood collectionto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 34Fluorine and its inorganic Compoundsmedical. Interview and examinationLung function and, if necessary, x-rayto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 35Work abroad under specific climatic and health burdensmedical. Interview and examinationBlood collectionVaccination and travel advice3 years
G 36Vinyl chloridemedical. Interview and examinationBlood Sampling, Ultrasound Upper Abdomento the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 37Screen workmedical. Interview and examinationEye testErgonomics at the workplace3 years
G 38Nickel dustmedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, Biomonitoring, lung function, x-ray of the lungs and sinusesto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 39Welding fumesmedical. Interview and examinationLung function, x-ray of the lungs and, if necessary, Biomonitoringto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 40Carcinogenic and mutagenic hazard substancesmedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, x-ray of the lungs and, if necessary, ultrasound upper abdomento the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 41Crash hazardsmedical. Interview and examinationECG or EKG, hearing test, Eyesight test, perimetryto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 42Risk of infectionmedical. Interview and examinationBlood collectionto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies, vaccination advice3 years
G 43Biotechnologymedical. Interview and examinationBlood collectionto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 44Hardwood dustmedical. Interview and examinationNasal endoscopyto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 45Styrenemedical. Interview and examinationBlood sampling and, if necessary, Biomonitoring, lung functionto the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies3 years
G 46Loads on the musculoskeletal system, including vibrationmedical. Interview and examination- not applicable -to the danger aspect and the avoidance strategies that work ergonomics3 years

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

G 1.1 (G1.1) – Mineral Dust (Silikogen Dust)

The medical examination G 1.1 (G1.1) to arrange for Breakfast) dust in the case of activities, or exposure to silikogenem (quartz. In work procedure, and areas with higher exposure to the G 1.1 is typically undertaken as a duty of inquiry, with only a small exposure to offer.

Typical Activities:

Work in the mining industry

Quarry work

Stone carvings

Demolition and disposal work



Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. bronchi and lungs)


X-ray of the lungs (digital) photographs not older than ½ a year, or in the case of initial investigations, not older than 1 year



Follow-up: 36 months




Guide to action for the medical G 1.1 Silikogener dust (DGUV)(PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 1.2 (G1.2) Mineral Dust (Asbestos-Containing Dust)

The medical examination G 1.2 (G1.2) to arrange for activities or exposure to asbestos-containing dust. It is due to the known significant health risks of exposure to asbestos fibers is not a compulsory investigation. Due to the known length of the latency period to the possible Occurrence of health problems, regardless of time, duration, and amount of (potential) exposure on the part of the competent accident insurance carrier lifetime (!) subsequent investigations to G 1.2 available.


Typical Activities:


Demolition and disposal work

previous activities with asbestos-containing materials in the fields of fire protection, Isolate, and dams, roof deck, Innanausbau, car mechanics (brake and clutch discs), Create and/or edit seals



Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. bronchi and lungs)


X-ray of the lungs (digital) photographs not older than ½ a year, or in the case of initial investigations, not older than 1 year



Duration: 30 minutes plus applicable chest x-ray (digital) in the case of SKILLS for radiology (external)

Follow-up: 36 months



Guide to action for the medical G 1.2 of asbestos-containing dust (DGUV)(PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 1.3 (G1.3) – Mineral dust (Artificial mineral fiber dust of the cat. 1 or 2, for example, aluminum silicate wool)

The medical examination G 1.3 (G1.3) to arrange for activities or exposure to artificial mineral fiber dust of the cat. 1 or 2, for example, aluminum silicate wool. Depending on the amount and duration of exposure is a duty of inquiry or an offer investigation.



Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. bronchi and lungs)


X-ray of the lungs (digital) photographs not older than ½ a year, or in the case of initial investigations, not older than 1 year



Duration: 30 minutes plus applicable chest x-ray (digital) in the case of SKILLS for radiology

Follow-up: 36 months



Selection criteria for the special work of medical care in accordance with the professional cooperative principle G 1.3 Mineral dust (ceramic fiber dust) (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 1.4 (G1.4) – dust (General)

The medical examination G 1.4 (G1.4) is to offer in activities, or exposure to dusts common origin.

Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. bronchi and lungs)


if necessary, x-Ray of the lungs (digital)


Duration: 30 minutes plus applicable chest x-ray (digital) in the case of SKILLS for radiology (external)

Follow-up: 36 months




Guide to action for the medical G 1.4 dust (General) (DGUV) (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 2 (G2) – lead and its Compounds

Preventive industrial medical examinations are to be initiated in the case of activities with lead (G2) or its Compounds (with the exception of the Exception), if the workplace exposure limit (EC limit value for lead and inorganic lead compounds 0.15 mg/m3 (EC Directive 98/24/EC) exposure limit of 0.1 mg/m3) value is not complied with according to the TRGS 505 (duty investigation). Medical examinations are to be offered, if there is exposure to lead or its Compounds (with the exception of the Exception).


The recording is carried out primarily via the respiratory system in a dust or smoke form, as well as through the gastro-intestinal tract.


Biological limit value (BGW) from TRGS 903 is for the Parameter of lead in whole blood of 400 µg/l for men and 300 µg/l for women


(1) working method/-sectors and activities with higher exposure:


Smelting of lead ores and lead concentrates (Primary lead smelters)

Recycling of lead-containing waste and secondary raw materials (secondary lead smelters)

Cutting and smelting of lead-containing waste and scrap

Loaded up and shut-down of lead-containing dross, ash or other dust-forming materials, as well as Emptying of the container

Refining of lead

Manufacture and Processing of lead, bronze, lead pigments, lead glazes, lead powder and dust lead compounds

Homogeneous verbleien

Cause and Loading of lead-glass mixtures

Application of lead-containing paints (restoration) or other lead-containing products in the injection procedure

Use of powdered lead compounds in the manufacture of paints (restoration), accumulators, and goods made of plastic

Distance lead-loop-containing coatings, for example, by Burning or by means of abrasive procedures (e.g., brushes, rays) or Pickling

Welding or flame cutting of lead-containing or Lead paint covered metal parts, in particular, in the case of demolition work

Edit of lead, lead alloys and lead-containing layers by mechanical methods (grinding, polishing, machining) or thermal process

Lead sponsor an animal, plant and equipment and the winding works

Melting of lead-containing materials

Clearing and recycling of lead-containing coating residue and grit

Repair, cleaning and inspection work in the lead-generating and lead-in manufacturing areas

Production and processing of lead-containing free-cutting steels or bearing materials

Manufacture, Transport and Install of charge carriers in the batteries industry

Soldering of lead-containing materials

Use of powdered lead compounds in the ceramic screen printing

Roof coverings with lead-containing materials

Glass paintings, stained glass Windows (in particular in the case of restoration of historic stained glass)

Use of lead-containing explosives (ammunition and special explosive material), and Cleaning of places (including ranges), on which these materials have been applied.

(2) work methods/areas and activities with exposure:


Decomposition of lead-containing equipment (e.g. electrical and electronic equipment)*

Soft*soldering with the soldering iron on the electrical and electronic assemblies or the individual components (piston soldering)

Application of lead-containing paints, decorative, on enamel, glass, and ceramic in the Form of pastes or solidified thermoplastic*

Containing pigments and lead-based paints, decorative processing of pastes with lead as a screen-printing pastes or thermoplastics*

Application of glazes for the food-safe container*

Transport, storage and Stacking of lead in ingots, sheets, rods or similar forms.*

* As soon as oral ingestion or inhalation uptake is likely to be, is to classify the activity as an activity with increased exposure. Decisive is the result of the risk assessment.


(3) working methods/areas and activities without exposure:


Storage and Transport in tightly closed containers

Activities in spatially separated measurement wait

To produce and Process in a closed system (work except for maintenance, cleaning, and maintenance, as well as sampling).

As far as types of jobs or activities are not in the above sections (1) to (3) are called, are the work of medical checkups to Vera, until it is proved that the occupational exposure limit, or the biological limit value is adhered to. When there is compliance with the OEL work are to provide medical checkups.

The waiver of the offer of employment medical examinations must be justified in cases in which activities are available, which are not referred to in sections (2) and (3), in particular through the risk assessment (e.g., if it falls below the exposure limit value by means of Biomonitoring).


Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in respect of the activity

Laboratory values (BKS, gr. BB, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, urine)

if necessary, lead in whole blood (Biomonitoring)


Examination periods: in General, all the 12 months, possibly even longer (according to doctor's discretion)

Duration: 30 Minutes




Guide to action for the medical to the professional cooperative principle G 2 “lead or its Compounds (with the exception of the Exception)” (DGUV)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 8 (G8) – Benzene

The medical(examination) G 8 (G8) benzene is to offer the employer of those employees, what are the occasional occupational exposure to benzene or benzene mixtures, e.g., carburetor power of substances.


In section 4.1, the BGI/GUV-I 504-8 work procedures, or areas with higher exposure (regular activity) are presented by way of example, in the rule, the G-8 benzene is a duty investigation:


Filling and Emptying with Loosening of the hose and pipe connections, or Pull

submersible pipes, as well as the filling of barrels in the Manufacture, Profits, further processing and the Transport of benzene or benzene-containing products

Filling/bottling of fuel for petrol engines

Filter and catalyst for change, as well as sampling in the Manufacture, Profits,process, and Transport of benzene and benzene-containing by-products

Clean/in Tanks or containers, gas station renovation

Cleaning, maintenance, repair, renovation, and demolition work in the production, bottling and processing plants

Work in contaminated areas (e.g., hazardous waste)

all the activities where skin contact is given

Typical occupational activities with the aforementioned hazards are:


Motor vehicle manufacturing and repair

Motor test

Cleaning of fuel dispensers and Tanks (Tank-pump construction and maintenance)

Fuel supply and filling

Activities in refineries and certain chemical plants

The recording is carried out primarily through the respiratory tract. In case of intensive, large-scale wetting of the skin is also expected to percutaneous absorption.


Acute benzene has a narcotic effect and is irritating to the eyes, mucous membranes and skin. Chronic benzene damages the blood-forming System (cancer of the blood) and the lungs and can genotype call-changing effect.


Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in respect of the activity

Laboratory values (BKS, gr. BB, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, urine)

if necessary lung function

if necessary, Biomonitoring (benzene in the blood, S-phenyl merkaptursäure and trans,trans-Muconsäure in the urine)



Study period: 6-12 months, possibly even longer (according to doctor's discretion)

Duration: 30-60 Minutes



Guide to action for the medical prophylactic G-20 noise (DGUV) (PDF)

Manual G-8 benzene (DGUV)

Manual G-8 Benzene homologues (DGUV)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 20 (G20) – Noise

The medical examination after the G-20 (G20) (noise, I) by the employer, Vera (duty investigations!), if the risk of the occurrence of noise-induced hearing loss for workers. The threshold for Triggering a possible noise damage is 85dB, and can occur in the case of a half-hour activity in the noise area. However, even short-term noise spikes can cause damage to the unprotected ear permanently. As a first measure, using technical means of noise must be avoided, or at least to below 85dB reduced, for example, Encapsulation of machines, use of special tools, nozzles, etc. this Can be not reached sufficient, must be made available by the employer of appropriate hearing protection available to workers in the noise field can be worn. Noise areas are to be marked (Wikipedia: hearing protection). In addition, the employee must regularly before and during the activity, i. A. to iterate through all 36 months of preventive Hearing after the G-20 (noise-I). It has a so-called. 5 kHz-sink, so a significant hearing loss in the range of 4-6 kHz (language!) both of your ears, a noise-induced hearing damage. In the event of a severe hearing loss, a supplementary investigation to G 20.2 (noise II), or G 20.3 (noise, III) and, if necessary, is an occupational disease indication (PDF) to Vera.


Conduct of the investigation:


Survey and assessment of hearing protection

Hearing test in mind. 4 frequencies in air line

if necessary, assy. Inspection of the eardrum and ear canal (e.g., eardrum damage, inflammation, wax graft, etc.)

Advice on hearing protection



Duration: 15 Minutes

Study period: Prior to the commencement of the activity, follow-up i. A. 36 months



Anm.: This study can also be used by a trained medical assistant carried out.

In case of a conspicuous pathological examination result of an extended investigation to G 20.2 noise II (toos. Hearing test in bone-conduction, possibly with Masking, tuning fork test, etc.), as well as, if necessary, G 20.3 noise III (ENT specialist at the expense of the company!) to Vera. In the case of repeated a very bad test result is to perform a so-called occupational diseases, display (PDF) with the competent professional or trade Association.




Guide to action for the medical prophylactic G-20 noise (DGUV) (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Noise (RCI) (PDF)

Software for the selection of hearing protection

LärmVibrationsArbSchV (PDF)

A guide for GB DIN (PDF)

NOISE-I screening test (PDF)

NOISE-II supplementary examination (PDF)

Medical preventive Hearing after the G-20 "noise" (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 21 (G21) – Working in the cold

This work medical screening must be offered by the employer to the employees of the so-called cold jobs (G21) (Supply analysis). In the real sense is an eligibility test for continuous or occasional activity in a particularly cold environment or activities, which are associated with the risk for frostbite. In the case of activities below -25°C, the inspection duty (duty of investigation).


Cold can, in particular, existing diseases, heal, or frostbite, or symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest tightness caused.



Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Physical examination in terms of activity (v. a. upper and lower respiratory tract, ENT, cardiovascular System, metabolism, skin status)

Laboratory investigation (at least the blood picture, BZ, GGT, GOT, GPT, creatinine, uric acid, urine)

ECG and, if necessary, ergometry (from I-40. Lj., in the case of increased load, in unclear cases)

Lung function



Duration: 30-60 minutes (with ergometry)

Study period: Prior to the commencement of the activity, response to therapy, depending on the temperature range, after 6-12 months (i. A. 1x a year for activities




Hazard due to cold work (GFB-Portal)

Cold work (SIFA-tip)

Selection criteria for cold work (DGUV)

Ergonomic design of refrigeration jobs (BAuA)

Picking work in cold stores (ECN)

Refrigeration jobs (DGUV)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 23 (G23) – Obstructive Respiratory Diseases

This principle is used for targeted Preventive medical check-UPS to prevent obstructive diseases of the respiratory system (e.g. Asthma) and, wherever possible, to identify at an early stage, or to prevent, in case of damage of the respiratory tract exacerbations, which can be caused by allergenic, irritating, or toxic substances in the workplace or worse. In the case of employees, the respiratory tract irritant or sensitizing materials are exposed to an increased extent, can work his medical examinations in accordance with the principle G 23 (G23) is displayed. The finding of increased risk is not based not only on compliance with existing air limit values, as these are typically the health hazard awareness-consideration must be given to effects, but these are taken into account, in particular, individual dispositions of employees (hyperresponsiveness, allergic) to. The work of medical care according to G. 23 i. A., a so-called deal of inquiry, however, in the case of illness, to a duty of investigation (similar to the principle of G-24 – Skin-damaging activities). In the case of repeated poor outcome of the investigation, as well as the corresponding clinical findings, a so-called occupational diseases-display (reporting arc entrepreneurs, reporting form doctor) is the competent professional or trade Association, Vera.

The main trigger activities are:

Uncured Epoxy Resins (Dicarboxylic Acid Anhydrides)

Uncured Resins (Ethylene-Diamine)

Beryllium (aircraft and space industry, fluorescent tubes, manufacturing, tool industry)

Cobalt (Glass, Ceramic, Enamel, Metal, Industrial, Hard Metal Production)

Nickel (Plating, Schweißräuche)

Platinum and platinum compounds (catalyst preparation)

Chromating, Phosphating, Anodizing, Pickling, Zinc Plating, Nickel Plating, Brass Singing

Degreasing and Anti-corrosion protection

Stripping and waste liquors

Isocyanates (e.g., adhesives)

Adhesives, Pre-Coated, Primers

Painting and Coating (paints, varnishes, etc.)

Wood preservatives


Cleaning and disinfection agents


Plant materials, such as grain, feed, wood, flour, natural rubber latex, ornamental and crop plants, herbs

Animal substances, such as hairs, bristles, feathers, Horn, feces, urine, dust mites (storage, house dust, mites), mold, fungi such as Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Cladosporium spp., Alternaria spp.

In the case of activities with special dusts the following are used for medical checkups:

Silikogener (quartz) dust to G 1.1

Asbestos fiber dust to G 1.2

Artificial mineral fiber dust to G 1.3

Dust (unspecified) to G 1.4

Beech and oak wood dust to G 44

Conduct of the investigation:

History and examination in terms of activity (v. a. inspection of the upper respiratory tract and auscultation of the lungs)

Spirometry (lung function test) incl. Flow volume curve, before and after exposure

if necessary, arterial pulse oximetry

if necessary, histamine provocation test

if necessary, Rö-Thorax

if necessary, special Allergy testing

Conduct of the investigation:

History and examination in terms of activity (v. a. inspection of the upper respiratory tract and auscultation of the lungs)

Spirometry (lung function test) incl. Flow volume curve, before and after exposure

if necessary, arterial pulse oximetry

if necessary, histamine provocation test

if necessary, Rö-Thorax

if necessary, special Allergy testing

Duration: 30 Minutes

Study period: Prior to the commencement of the activity, 1. Follow-up examination after 12 months, further follow-up after 12-36 months and at the completion of the activity


Guide to action for the medical to G. 23 respiratory irritant (irritant and toxic) substances (DGUV) (PDF)

Guide to action for the medical to G. 23 respiratory sensibilisiernde substances (DGUV) (PDF)

Guide to action for the medical to G. 23 platinum compounds (DGUV) (PDF)

Instructions for the work of medical care to a G-23 – Uncured epoxy resins (DGUV) (PDF)

Activities with epoxy resins (income STATEMENT-rule) (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 25 (G25) driving, control and monitoring activities

The work of medical care to a G-25 (G25) driving, controlling and monitoring activities should wait v. a. the Suitability of an employee for appropriate activities, such as dealing with forklifts, shelf support equipment, crane equipment, lifting platforms, construction machinery, all kinds of vehicles, as well as control and Monitor Measuring and Control consoles notice. In the actual Pension can be avoided by the investigation of damage to the employee's self (self-injury) or his colleagues (foreign injury) and damage to property, or at least significantly reduced. Therefore, this, in our view, extremely important investigation was, until Recently, a so-called Compulsory, had to be by the employer and by the employee "tolerated" causes. Contrary to the General medical recommendation, the G-25 has been reduced by law in a so-called deal of investigation, so that now it can no longer be perceived by employers to be offered at the end of the investigation from the affected employee, or rejected. On the other hand, the legal obligation and liability, responsibility lies with the employer, however, only suitable persons for such driving, control and monitoring tasks.Therefore, we recommend that the work of medical care to a G-25 in an operating agreement, as so-called suitability investigation for appropriate activities should be made compulsory. In this case, the G 25 must be perceived by the employee and the employer receives as in the past, a qualitative statement on Suitability (suitable/appropriate under special conditions/not suitable). Health Fitness in addition to technical Suitability, as well as the regular instruction, a prerequisite for driving, controlling and monitoring activities in the operation.

Conduct of the investigation:

Medical history (in terms of activity)

Investigation (in terms of activity, v. a. cardiovascular system, neurological Status, metabolism)

Eye Test (Distance, Stereo Vision, Visual Field, Color Vision, Close)

Anm.: Perimetry (visual field) in the case of each initial investigation, and over the age of 40. Lj. at least every second investigation

if necessary, Noctumetrie (Twilight vision)

Listening test

Urine (optional)

if necessary, assy. ECG, ergometry, laboratory, etc.

Anm.: This study can also be used by a trained medical assistant carried out. The study also provides the basis for the transport of medical investigation in accordance with the FeV. However, the medical examination will be based on the FeV on other legal rules and also in respect of the examination content on the G 25 FS activity (e.g., blood test, ECG and/or stress, neuro-psychometric examination (test), eye test with perimetry and Noctumetrie).

Duration: 30 Minutes

Study period: 36 months, possibly even earlier, according to physician discretion


Guide for doctors to the application of the G 25 (DGUV) (PDF)

Guide to action for the medical G 25 (DGUV) (PDF)

Driving, control, monitoring activities and medical care (VBG)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Recommendations for the design of in-company agreements on the application of the DGUV principle G 25 (DGUV) (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 26 (G26) – Respiratory Protective Devices

Preventive industrial medical examinations (G26), initiate (duty of investigation) in the case of activities, which require the Wearing of respiratory protective equipment of group 2 (G 26.2) and 3 (G 26.3). Preventive industrial medical examinations are to offer (the offer investigation) in the case of activities that require the Wearing of respiratory protection devices in the group 1 (G 26.1) (mandatory care) or to induce (BGV/GUV-V A4).

The insured must, in carrying out its activity, respiratory protection devices, are typically an additional load due to the weight of the respirator and pressure differences in the inhalation and exhalation (breathing effort, exhalation exposed to resistance). Furthermore, the workplace conditions (e.g., climate), the Severity of the work and the period of use of respiratory protection device, must be taken into account.

The coming to the use of respiratory protection devices are divided into several groups:

Group 1: device weight up to 3 kg, and respiratory resistance up to 5 mbar

Group 2: weight up to 5 kg, and the respiratory resistance of about 5 mbar

Group 3: the machine's weight about 5 kg, and the respiratory resistance of about 5 mbar

In the context of the risk assessment, the special environmental conditions of the respective activity are taken into account. Working methods/areas and activities with increased health risks:

Wearing Gas and combination filter devices in the Occurrence of toxic gases, vapors, and dusts

Wear of filter devices with particles of the particle filter class P3, and particle-filtering half masks FFP3 filter according to the risk assessment for the Occurrence of health-hazardous dusts

Wearing fresh air-suction hose devices in the local drainage, and when entering rooms on inland vessels

Wearing regeneration devices under 5 kg for duct work

Wear tank equipment with compressed air (SCBA) with and without protective suits at fire departments

Wearing regeneration devices, about 5 kg in the pit of departments of mining and fire brigades

Working methods/areas and activities with health risks:

Enter tanks with compressed air hose devices or fresh air hose breathing devices

Wear particle filter devices of the classes of P 1 and P 2 in the case of the Occurrence of health-hazardous dusts

Wear particle-filtering half masks FF1 and FFP2 and FFP3 according to risk assessment

Working methods/areas and activities with very low health risks:

Respiratory protection devices, which weigh less than 3 kg, and no breath resistors have a burden on your carrier so little that a health hazard is not to be feared.

The G-26-investigation of the fire brigades, also widely referred to as the fitness examination (aptitude examination) for respiratory protection devices. Please refer to the current DGUV-Information to fight back the suitability investigations in case of fire.

Scope Of Investigation G 26.1 (Group 1):

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. upper and lower respiratory tract, ENT, cardiovascular System, metabolism, Neuro Status, Orthopaedics)

Lung function

if necessary, laboratory values (blood, urine)

if necessary, x-ray of the lungs (digital) to a physician discretion (external)

Scope Of Investigation G 26.2 (Group 2):

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. upper and lower respiratory tract, ENT, cardiovascular System, metabolism, Neuro Status, Orthopaedics)

Lung function

Resting ECG and, if necessary, ergometry

Eye test

Listening test

Laboratory Values (Blood, Urine)

if necessary, x-ray of the lungs (digital), in cooperation with the SKILLS for radiology – only at the initial examination is mandatory, otherwise the physician's discretion (external)

Scope Of Investigation G 26.3 (Group 3):

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. upper and lower respiratory tract, ENT, cardiovascular System, metabolism, Neuro Status, Orthopaedics)

Lung function

Resting ECG and exercise test

Eye test

Listening test

Laboratory Values (Blood, Urine)

if necessary, x-ray of the lungs (digital), in cooperation with the SKILLS for radiology – only at the initial examination is mandatory, otherwise the physician's discretion (external)

and at the termination of the activity

Early Follow-Up:

After several weeks of illness or physical impairment, which give rise to concerns about continued employment could be

According to medical discretion in individual cases (e.g. in the case of fixed-term health concerns)

At the request of an employee, the existence of a causal link between his illness and his activities in the workplace

Duration: 30-90 minutes plus applicable chest x-ray (digital) in the case of SKILLS for radiology (external)

G 26 suitability criteria for fire-fitness

G 26-capability (fire) Ergometer performance (PWC)


Husband of 40 years, PWC 150 = 2,1


Women > 40 years, PWC 150 = 1,8

Examination periods:

Initial examination: Prior to the recording of an activity with the use of respiratory protection devices in the groups 1 – 3


People up to 50 years Before the expiry of 36 months

People over 50 years: weight up to 5 kg prior to the expiration of 24 months, weight of about 5 kg prior to the expiry of 12 months → from the 50igsten the age of the G-26 to carry out the investigation a year! 


Guide to action for the medical G 26 respiratory protection devices (DGUV)(PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

G 26 (Dr. med. Anette Argo) (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 27 (G27) – Isocyanates

In accordance with mandatory care of the employer) in the case of activities with isocyanate (isocyanate-containing substances or substance mixtures, Poyurethanen (PUR) et al.of jobs, where the job limit (safe) is maintained, or direct skin contact, regular medical checkups to (a duty investigations). Medical examinations are to be offered (offer studies) or, on request, execute (request tests), if the activity is a possibility of contact with isocyanates or isocyanate-containing mixtures (G27).


In the following work methods/areas and activities can be expected with a higher exposure:

The production of isocyanates, their prepolymers, and in particular of polyurethane (PUR and PU) and the processing of

The production of PUR foam (integral skin foams, hard block foams, insulation systems, foam systems)

Production and processing of isocyanate-containing coating materials, adhesives, Sealants, bonding agents, binders, and similar products

Production of thermal insulation with PUR-systems, e.g. in the construction, electrical and automotive industry

The manufacture of engineering plastics (mold making)

Work procedures and activities with dust and / or steam (for example, at the Weigh in, or manual transfer of isocyanates)

Foaming with mounting foam, if this is an essential part of the activity

In foundries, in the use of isocyanate-containing binder systems (Cold-Box cores)

Work processes, which can lead to the thermolysis of polyurethane-containing Material (e.g., insulation, coatings) (for example, welding, soldering)

Application of coatings by spraying, Coating of sports courts, Coating it in containers

Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. air ways, Hand and skin status)

Laboratory values (gr. BB, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, urine)


if necessary, ergometry

if necessary, chest x-ray

if necessary, Plethysmography

if necessary, histamine provocation test

after exposure, in addition, required: isocyanate-IgE, IgG


Manual occupational medical check-G 27 (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 29 (G29) – Benzene Homologues (Toluene, Xylene)

In accordance with mandatory care, the employer has not complied with in the case of activities with toluene, and xylenes in workplaces where the occupational exposure limit, or direct skin contact, regular medical checkups to (a duty investigations). Medical examinations are to be offered (offer examinations), if an activity with toluene and xylenes or mixtures Toluene and/or xylenes included, there is (G29).

Typical jobs are solving activities with contact, dilution or cleaning agents on the benzene base.



Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of activity (v. a. respiratory, neurological Status)

Laboratory values (gr. BB, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, urine)

if necessary, spirometry

if necessary, CDT

if necessary, Biomonitoring



Study period: 12-24 months, as well as the physician's discretion

Duration: 30 Minutes




Guide to action for the medical to G. 29 Benzene homologues (toluene, xylenes) (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 30 (G30) – Heat Work

This work medical screening must be offered by the employer to the employees of the so-called heat jobs. In the real sense is an eligibility test for continuous or occasional activity in the climate is particularly hot environment, or in the case of activities which are connected with radiant heat. Thus, the study G 30 (G30) provides heat to work, in the majority of cases, a duty of inquiry with which the employee's Suitability for the activity must demonstrate.


Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Physical examination in terms of activity (v. a. upper and lower respiratory tract, ENT, cardiovascular System, metabolism, Neuro Status, Orthopaedics)

Laboratory investigation (at least the blood picture, BZ, GGT, GOT, GPT, creatinine, uric acid, urine)

ECG ergometry (from I-40. Lj., in the case of increased load, in unclear cases)

Lung function

if necessary, assy. X-ray-lung (digital)



Duration: 45-90 minutes (with ergometry)

Study period: Prior to the recording of activity, up to 50 years, 60 months, up from 50. Lj. every 24 months



Guide to action for the medical G 30 Heat (DGUV) (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 33 (G33) – Aromatic Nitro or amino compounds

Preventive industrial medical examinations are to (a duty investigation) in the case of activities with aromatic Nitro or amino compounds, if the occupational exposure limit (OEL) is not complied with, or a health risk through direct contact with the skin to skin-resorptive aromatic Nitro or amino compounds. Preventive industrial medical examinations are to offer (the offer inquiry) if exposure to aromatic Nitro - or amino connection.


For many of aromatic Nitro or amino compounds, there are currently no occupational exposure limits (OELs). Some aromatic Nitro or amino compounds are classified as carcinogenic.


Therefore, Biomonitoring is, to the extent that approved procedures are available for this purpose and values in order to assess, in particular, biological limit values exist, part of the medical screening.


The recording is via the respiratory tract and through the skin (a common cause of poisoning, contamination of skin and clothing) are.


Working methods/areas and activities with higher exposure:


Manufacture and Processing of dyes, explosives pest control substances, and weed destruction of aromatic nitro compounds, as well as Use of the finished products, if they are still free of aromatic nitro compounds

Manufacture and Processing of synthetic dyes (leather, paper, and fur industry, hair dyes), insecticides, medicines developers in the photo industry from aromatic amines, as well as Use of the finished products, if they are still free aromatic amines

The manufacture and Use of accelerators, and oxidation inhibitors of aromatic amines, for example, in the rubber industry

Demolition work at production facilities for aromatic Nitro or amino compounds, if no pre-cleaning and contamination control success

Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in respect of the activity

Laboratory values (gr. BB, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, creatinine, urine)

if necessary, CDT

if necessary, Biomonitoring


Study period: 6-12 months and, if necessary, 24 months, at the discretion of the physician

Duration: 30 Minutes



Guide to action for the medical G 33 Aromatic Nitro or amino compounds (DGUV) (PDF)

Selection criteria for the special work of medical care in accordance with the professional cooperative principle G 33 (G33)Aromatic Nitro or amino compounds (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 35 (G35) – work abroad

Working abroad can pose particular health risks. In addition to tropical infections such as Malaria and dengue fever, the worse sanitary conditions, extreme climate conditions, and an increased accident risk for health impairments often.


The law therefore, in the case of activities in the tropics and subtropics, as well as other stays abroad with special climatic stress and the risk of Infection, including medical checkups (duty investigation). The scope and frequency of examination is regulated by the Ordinance on occupational health care (mandatory care) and the professional Association of principle G 35 (G35).


In erweiterem sense, the work of medical care to a G-35, but also for other professional activities abroad, useful, and should be, therefore, generally speaking, the relevant personnel (Supply analysis)


Scope of investigation:


A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in respect of the activity

detailed travel medical consultation with vaccination advice

Laboratory values (minimum ESR and/or CRP, kl. BB, SGPT, GGT, LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, BZ, creatinine, urine)

Chair study amoeba, Lamblien, worm eggs (protozoa) – only follow-up!

if necessary, resting ECG

if necessary, additional specific investigations, for example, antibody titer, special laboratory, ultrasonography, endoscopy, etc.

Anm.: In the case of shorter abroad is v. a. stays, even in temperate climatic zones and proper hygienic conditions, is sufficient in most cases a sole medical advice.

Prior to the Blood draw, you are allowed to take a small Breakfast, and don't need to be sober for us appear. Please bring an identity document (ID card, passport) and your immunization records to the examination.




The required and recommended vaccinations can be carried out i. A. immediately.

Examination periods:


The periods, in the case of the G-35-investigation of the duration and nature of the stay abroad is dependent.

In the case of foreign activities of more than three months per year, or for shorter stays, under special conditions, such as poor medical care or frequent change of the place of application: Medical consultation and examination before the (initial examination), and after the stay abroad (follow-up), no later than 8 weeks after the return

In the case of a shorter stay, a one-time prior medical consultation is required. In the case of particular conditions or hazards, such as poor medical care, a constantly changing field, or a high risk of infection such advice should be supplemented by a medical examination (see above).

The investigations are in case of frequent or permanent work Abroad in regular intervals every two to three years. In case of complaints, or change the place of use even earlier.


Duration: 30-60 Minutes



Guide to action for the medical G 35 work abroad (DGUV) (PDF)

Medical center of the University of Heidelberg (section tropical medicine)tropical

Tropical Hospital Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus Tübingen

University hospital of Mainz (Department of Hygiene and environmental medicine-vaccination centre Mainz)

The Medical Advisor for the business travelers (B. Rieke, MedPrä GmbH)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

World leading medical & travel security assistance company (International SOS)

Travel Medicine (B. A. D.)

Professional international travel and assignments, preparation of risk assessment (International SOS Foundation)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 37 (G37) – Screen Jobs

The working life is increasingly dominated by digital media, especially of the PC and the Monitor. In addition to the typical administrative, planning and service areas of the it has kept for a long time already, even in the commercial area of the catchment. There are hardly any activities which are not directly or indirectly an on-screen application. From an on-screen activity, however, only if more than 3-4 hours of work with this Medium. So, for example, is the activity of the Fund is not a typical on-screen work, is used as the screen for the visualization of the value of the goods. Similarly, the activity of a driver in a CNC-controlled turning machine is no screen activity, since in this case, the screen is only used as a so-called control panel.

In all other cases, the employer must provide its employees (Pension) investigation of G 37 (G37) workstations (so-called offer of investigation). It is, therefore, from the point of view of the employee to a voluntary, so no mandatory (Screening) examination.

The investigation is to document the adequate vision of the employee, in particular in the proximity (distance to Screen 55-75cm and a reading distance of 30-35cm) with the existing or without corrective lenses, and if necessary, recommendations for the correction type.


Conduct of the investigation:


Medical history (in terms of activity)

Visual acuity (distance, screen, and from the age of 40. Lj. in addition, distance)reading

binocular vision and spatial vision

Color vision

if necessary, advice on the vision, and ergonomics of your Office workstation

Anm.: This study can also be used by a trained medical assistant carried out. It is not possible to diagnose by this examination, if necessary, this eye-diseases and / or to determine the strength of a necessary eye correction. Responsible to the eye doctor or optician, in this case, where the costs of further investigation and, if applicable, acquisition and adaptation of the visual aid to go to the expense of the statutory health insurance, private health insurance and the employee. Should the investigation and/or follow-up examination by an eye doctor or Optician result in the need for a special vision for the workstation (called a workstation or office glasses), you must become a part of the employer to the procurement costs reasonable


Conduct of the investigation:


Medical history (in terms of activity)

Visual acuity (distance, screen, and from the age of 40. Lj. in addition, distance)reading

binocular vision and spatial vision

Color vision

if necessary, advice on the vision, and ergonomics of your Office workstation

Anm.: This study can also be used by a trained medical assistant carried out. It is not possible to diagnose by this examination, if necessary, this eye-diseases and / or to determine the strength of a necessary eye correction. Responsible to the eye doctor or optician, in this case, where the costs of further investigation and, if applicable, acquisition and adaptation of the visual aid to go to the expense of the statutory health insurance, private health insurance and the employee. Should the investigation and/or follow-up examination by an eye doctor or Optician result in the need for a special vision for the workstation (called a workstation or office glasses), you must become a part of the employer to the procurement costs within reasonable limits.


The investigation in accordance with G 37 on-screen jobs is only useful if any corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses) is used for the investigation.


Duration: 15 Minutes

Study Period: Up To 40. Lj. every 60 months, then every 36 months, and/or according to doctor's discretion



DGUV principle for occupational medical check-UPS "on-screen jobs," G 37 (with commentary)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 38 (G38) Nickel and its Compounds

Preventive industrial medical examinations are to (a duty investigation) in the case of work methods/areas and activities (higher) exposure with Nickel or its Compounds or a health hazard due to direct skin contact with Nickel carbonyl is. Preventive industrial medical examinations are to offer (the offer inquiry) if exposure to Nickel or its Compounds.

Exposure to Nickel should dusts and fumes (despite exhaustion) can not be avoided, they must be taken into account in the activity of respiratory protection masks(at least FFP2 or FFP3). The affected employees should be investigated, therefore, in addition to the medical screening G 38 (G38) in addition to G 26.1 respiratory protection equipment.

The uptake of Nickel and its Compounds is via the respiratory tract in the Form of dust, fumes or aerosols (spray droplets), through the skin (only applies to Nickel carbonyl), and the gastro-intestinal tract. In case of skin contact, the risk of sensitization


Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in terms of the activity (if necessary, with rhinoscopy → ENT)

Laboratory values (BKS, gr. BB, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, urine)

Lung function

if necessary, Rö-Thorax (from I-40. Lj. or >10 years of exposure)

if necessary, ROM. NNH

if necessary, Biomonitoring (at the end of the shift Nickel in the urine)

if Dermatitis → skin doctor


scan time: 24-60 months (according to doctor's discretion)

Duration: 30 Minutes



Guide to action for the medical BGI/GUV-I 504-38 March 2009, according to the professional cooperative principle G. 38 "Nickel and its Compounds" (DGUV)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 40 (G40) – Carcinogenic and mutagenic substances (General)

The hazardous substances Ordinance required when dealing with carcinogenic substances, occupational health screening. In the Annex to the Ordinance on hazardous substances, the carcinogenic hazardous substances are listed, for example, 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin). The principle G 40 (G40) gives clues to detect local or systemic changes and diseases that can be caused by carcinogenic hazardous substances (General), at an early stage. He should always be used when an activity with exposure to (but below AGW) is (Range scan) or exceeded (duty investigation). In particular, the skin absorption is taken into account.


Scope of investigation:

A history in terms of the activity

Investigation in respect of the activity

Laboratory values (BKS, gr. BB, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, urine)

if necessary, Rö-Thorax (external)

if necessary, more specific laboratory and/or medical examinations

if necessary, Biomonitoring


Examination periods: 12-36 months (according to doctor's discretion)

Duration: 30 Minutes



Instructions for the medical examination G 40 Carcinogenic and mutagenic (General) substances (DGUV)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Formaldehyde – New classification as carcinogenic (BGW messages 3/2015)

Database to the Central detection compared to carcinogenic substances of exposed Workers – Central exposure database (ZED)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 41 (G41) – Work with crash risk

Arising from the risk assessment points for working at heights or crash risks with no guarantee of an end-to-end backup, you must arrange for the medical examination (Range scan) lingering. People with activities that are not only backed up with personal protective equipment against falls from a height can also be included in your request, and work medically examined (request investigation). Working with crash risk are not listed in change to the law (PDF) and are therefore not legally binding as the occasion for a medical screening examination (duty investigation). On the other hand, the assessment of the working conditions in accordance with occupational health and safety act (ArbSchG) and the accident prevention regulations (UVV) of the obligations of an entrepreneur (§ 3 GUV-V A1, § 5 ArbSchG) and on the basis of this risk assessment is to ensure that adequate medical Provisions (§ 3 mandatory care). In addition, the entrepreneurs have a duty to consider the delegation of tasks to Employees whose qualifications, depending on the type of activity (aptitude examination) also follows from § 7 ArbSchG. When Working with crash risk, it is assumed that, in addition to the professional qualifications (qualifications) sure to take into account the health aspect. In this respect, the G 41 is to be regarded as a proof of physical Fitness for the Work, with the danger of a Crash (aptitude examination), the need for which arises from a certain degree of risk identification and assessment (§ 5 ArbSchG) be liable. Through the investigation of cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological diseases can be excluded.

Eligible for medical G 41 (G41) are the following or similar jobs or activities:

To work in an airy height (overhead lines, overhead lines, antenna installations, bridges, masts, towers, Chimneys, flood light, plants, and removal cantilever structures)

Driving, control and surveillance activities in the heights

Work in depth (shafts, blind shafts)

Scaffolding work

Roof and facade work

Assembly and repair work

Window and facade cleaning

Height rescue and deep-rescue (professional fire brigades, Volunteer fire Department, volunteers)

Tree care (according to H 9)


The scope of the Investigation, the G 41 includes:



Medical examination in respect of the activity (cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological Status)

Laboratory values (at least the blood picture, BZ, GGT, creatinine, urine)

if necessary, assy. TSH, fT3, fT4, CDT Test, drug Screening, etc.

Eye Test (Distance, Stereo Vision, Visual Field, Color, Close)

Listening test


Ergometry (from I-40. Lj., in the case of increased load, in unclear cases)

if necessary, assy. LZ-EKG (e.g. cardiac arrhythmia)

if necessary, assy. trade Euro logical examination, EEG, etc



Duration: 45-90 minutes (with ergometry)

Study period: up to 25. Lj. after 36 months, about 25. to 49. Lj. after 24-36 months (recommended every 2 years!) after the age of 50. Lj. after 12-18 months (our recommendation a year!)




Instructions to Work with the danger of a Crash (DGUV) (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

PSA crash (BGR GUV-R-198) (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

G 42 (G42, Biomaterial) – activities with a high risk of Infection

Preventive industrial medical examinations to G 42 (G42, the Ordinance on biological agents) are on the part of the employer, to Vera (Compulsory!) in the case of activities with biological agents, including genetic pathological organisms in Working with human

targeted activities with biological agents, as well as

non-targeted activities, the protection level 4 of the biological agents Ordinance or

referred to biological agents designated areas, under certain exposure conditions.

In the case of biological agents, the impfpräventabel are, the employer is obliged to ensure that, in the context of the duty of investigation to the appropriate medical advice currently available to protect submit. The costs to be borne by the employer. A compulsory examination shall not be conducted if the employee protection against this biological agent has a sufficient immune. Currently available to protect can be rejected on the part of the employees. The rejection of the Impfangebots alone is not a reason for health concerns against the exercise of an activity to pronounce.

An Overview of the materials and activities you can find in the manual (PDF).



Scope of investigation:



Medical examination in terms of activity (General condition, blood pressure, skin status)

Laboratory values in General (at least BSG, large BB, BZ, SGPT, GGT)

if necessary, laboratory values, specifically (e.g., antibody Titer, vaccine titre, bacteriological swab, stool, urine, etc.)

if necessary, urine, chest x-ray, spirometry, ECG, ergometry



Duration: 30-60 minutes, depending on the effort

Study period: 12-36 months after the doctor's discretion and at the end of the activity




Info sheet for the investigation of G 42 (PDF)

Investigation of the content of work-related medical screening (PDF)

Acute unusual infectious diseases among migrants (PDF)

Protection levels and associated activities (gem. TRBA 250)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)

Medical examination in the case of night work and shift work

The working time of the night and shift workers is determined in accordance with the backed-up work in scientific knowledge about the nature of the work.

The daily working time of night workers must not exceed 8 hours. It can be extended to up to 10 hours only if, within a calendar month, or four weeks in the average 8 hour working day is not exceeded.

Night workers are entitled to prior to the start of employment and thereafter at regular intervals of not less than 3 years of work, a medical examination (supply and request investigation, "shift work"). After the age of 50. Year of life is night work-to holders of this right in time intervals of 1 year. The cost of the examination shall be borne by the employer.



Scope of investigation:

Medical history taking special account of the shift activity (GOÄ 29a)

Physical examination under special consideration of Shift work (GOÄ 29a)

exceptionally, additional medical and specialist examinations

written opinion (GOÄ 80)



Examination Duration: 30 Minutes

Follow-up: i. A. not before 36 months, up from 50. Lj. annually


Night work and shift work (ArbZG)

Shift work (RCI)

Occupational medical examination according to the radiation protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and x-ray Ordinance (RöV)

This examination is necessary if a Person is in the control area after radiation protection and x-ray regulation is active (duty investigation). The outcome of the investigation and, if necessary, respiratory protection investigation to G 26.3, for example, in the case of activities in the NUCLEAR power plant, is documented in the assessment in accordance with section 61 of the radiation protection Ordinance.

Category A: activity in the control area (about 6 mSv per year)

Category B: in the monitoring area (about 1 mSv per year)

Examination of persons of the category B only on the orders of the authority or if the film dosimeter display a burden.

An identity document (ID card, passport) and the rays pass (if any) are to be submitted for examination.


Scope of investigation:


Investigation in respect of the activity

Laboratory values (at least large BB, renal and liver function tests, urine)

if necessary, assy. TSH (in the case of any contact to radioiodine/StrlSchV)

if necessary, assy. Pulmonary function test (in the case of possible Inhalation of radionuclides/StrlSchV)


Duration: 30-45 Minutes

Study period: i. A. annually and, if necessary, all of 24-36 months, in accordance with regulatory requirements




Documents for the investigation of the radiation protection Ordinance/RöV (PDF)

Preventive medical check-UPS according to the Ordinance on radiation protection and RöV

Pattern template for documentation of the screening, according to the Ordinance on radiation protection and x-ray Ordinance (PDF)

Pattern for a health questionnaire for persons exposed to radiation (PDF)

Model form for the information on the occupational radiation exposure or exposure at Work (PDF)

Medical certificate in accordance with Appendix 4 to the x-ray Ordinance (PDF)

Medical certificate in accordance with Annex VIII of the radiation protection Ordinance (PDF)

Medical certificate for Work in accordance with section 95 of the radiation protection Ordinance (PDF)

Investigation order and cost transfer policy (PDF)