Travel vaccinations

Yellow fever

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B


Typhoid fever





Japanese Encephalitis

Standard vaccinations








Und wer zahlt?
Viele gesetzliche Krankenkassen (GKV) erstatten Impfungen für den privaten Auslandsurlaub als freiwillige Leistung. Als Versicherter können Sie sich hier informieren, ob Ihre Krankenkasse die Kosten übernimmt:
Auch wenn Ihre Krankenkasse in der Liste aufgeführt ist, empfiehlt es sich, im Einzelfall bei Ihrer Krankenkasse nachzufragen. Denn Reiseimpfungen werden je nach Reiseziel empfohlen und erstattet.
Die Kosten richten sich nach dem Umfang der Beratung und der durchgeführten Impfungen. Reiseimpfungen und ärztliche Leistungen sind sofort bar zu bezahlen.


Useful Links

German society for tropical medicine and International health. Advice and recommendations on travel vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis.

Travel and safety, travel medical Screening, German representations abroad

The Robert Koch Institute. Information on vaccinations and infectious diseases

The center for travel medicine. Current travel health information, immunizations, countries, climate, Hygiene.

World Health Organization. Information on infectious diseases, current disease situation.

Laboratory medical Association for the diagnosis and rationalization e. V.

Medical center Dr. Kramer and colleagues

ISG Intermed Service GmbH & co. KG

Practice and consultation needs, medical technology, practice organization

Travel Vaccinations

Standard and booster vaccinations

Standard and booster vaccinations

For children and young people or unvaccinated adults:

Tetanus / Diphtheria

Whooping cough

HIB (Haemophilus influenzae B)

Poliomyelitis (Polio) (for children and adolescents up to 18 years)

Hepatitis B (for children and adolescents up to 18 years)

Pneumococcal Infections

Meningococcal Meningitis

Measles / Mumps / rubella (for children and adolescents)

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

human Papilloma virus (HPV)

Certain risk / or age groups:

Influenza Virus-Flu


Pneumococcal Infections

Hepatitis A

Herpes Zoster

All standard vaccinations can be carried out at your family doctor or a travel medical clinic.

Cost of acquisition

The cost of the primary vaccination course to be taken by all statutory and private health insurance. In case of doubt, ask your doctor or your health insurance.

Malaria prophylaxis

Malaria prophylaxis

In Germany each year 500-600 malaria are reported diseases. In 2010, there were 617 cases, two people have died. The majority of cases (about 90%) have been imported from Africa, mainly from West African countries.

Most of the Patients have no prophylaxis.

To prevent malaria, four key points include:

Risk awareness

- Exposure prophylaxis (protection against mosquito bites: for example, clothing, Repellents, mosquito nets)

Chemoprophylaxis or Stand-by medication (emergency self-treatment)

Behavior in the case of Malaria (tropica): rapid diagnosis of and therapy for fever


In countries with a high risk of Transmission


Mefloquine (since 2016 in Germany no longer sold)

Doxycycline (in Germany, for these indications is not approved by WHO and the world recommended)

A regularly conducted chemoprophylaxis does not exclude Malaria. Absolutely safe for malaria protection, it is not there at the moment.

Stand-by medication

In areas with a medium or low risk of malaria

Arte Meters/Lumefantrin


Chloroquine (in areas where no resistant strains occur)

The emergency self-treatment should be carried out if malaria is suspected in exceptional cases:

in case of fever

if medical advice cannot be provided within 24 h obtained

the travelers are at least 6 days in the endemic area